JLN School Gohana,slide2


The school offers the following subjects for each academic session according to the students’ level.

    1. Elementary Level
      1. Hindi
      2. English
      3. Mathematics
      4. Drawing
      5. Social science
      6. Science
      7. General knowledge
      8. Computer


    1. Secondary Level
      1. Hindi
      2. English
      3. Mathematics
      4. Science
      5. Social science
      6. Computer
      7. Sanskrit ( 6th to 8th grade only)
      8. Physical education (9th and 10th grades only)


  1. Senior Secondary Level
    1. Medical Stream –
      1. Physics
      2. Chemistry
      3. Biology
      4. Hindi (compulsory)
      5. English (compulsory)
      6. Mathematics (in case of additional sub.)
    2. Non Medical Stream –
      1. Physics
      2. Chemistry
      3. Mathematics
      4. Hindi (compulsory)
      5. English (compulsory)
      6. Biology (in case of additional sub.)
    3. Commerce Stream –
      1. Hindi (compulsory)
      2. English (compulsory)
      3. Accountancy
      4. Economics
      5. Business Studies (commerce)
      6. Mathematics (in case of additional sub.)
    4. Arts Stream –
      1. Hindi (compulsory)
      2. English (compulsory)
      3. Physical education
      4. History
      5. Fine Arts
      6. Public Administration
      7. Geography
      8. Mathematics (in case of additional sub.)